
dream fighter

i had a feeling during the weekend that this week and next week would be utterly exhausting. so far, i'm correct in my assumption. stayed out late last night, helping a friend study for an anatomy exam; i have escrima training tonight and possibly some muay thai basics tomorrow night; a possible dinner somewhere on thursday night; and friday night spent packing and searching for items for my trip on saturday - all of this while still having to wake up at 6 each subsequent morning for work.

so why does that make next week exhausting? the time change in flying from hawaii to colorado means i will be waking up each morning at what would technically be 3:00am here in hawaii (about 6am in CO). also, i will have to wake up earlier, since the place wherein i will be staying is about 5 or 10 minutes farther by drive from my destination than my previous accomodations. lovely.

how are my finances doing? better. it looks like the stock rally of last week has spurred some much needed investor confidence. i believe that the market really is a big confidence game. when investors think things are getting better, they are. so, here's hoping that the market turns bullish in our favor and that my battered portfolio makes up for lost ground.

philippines in about 3 months. a friend of mine will be accompanying me this time - this being his first trip ever out of the country. if he's going to leave this godforsaken rock, it might as well be for the motherland. we're planning on pulling out all the stops. why do i think we're going to come back, fat, exhausted, and possibly married? we're attending a wedding in laoag, spending 10 days in manila, and will possibly be bringing more money than you would need to live in philippines for a few months, and we're celebrating my birthday there. if i come back skinnier, full of energy, and wifey-less there's good reason to believe that we've accidentally gone to the wrong southeast asian country.

denver on sunday. i'm looking forward to some good training, some good food (god bless you, chipotle), and sharing some videos with friends. other than that, i guess i have to clean my apartment.

me: "Mr. 'Anti-Smoking' himself, smoking weed? That's fucked up. He was the poster child for the D.A.R.E. program"

D: "He's a 'hippo'-crite"

me: "Yeah, a hippopotacrite"

fudge: "Yeah, you know, a fat hypocrite - hippopotacrite"

currently: preparing to power nap before heading off to class


of the blue sky

so, i recently found out i'm not the only one with plans to save money to eventually buy some property in the homeland - PI. now, one of my brothers is seriously considering putting away money from every paycheck (paying himself first) towards this goal. he asked if i was willing to collaborate with him and put our money together to buy ourselves some property and build a kickass mansion. my response? a resounding hell yes. in a few months, i will be doing hands-on research into the subject matter and will report my findings upon my return.

why would this be a good idea? first of all, america's economy is in the shitter. that's a well-known fact. i'm sure land (as well as everything else) is much cheaper in the PI than HI. also, with both of us having backgrounds in construction, not to mention very worthy contacts in that sector, it would be to our benefit to build our own house (of higher quality and standards too) on the much cheaper land. living simply and spending less than we would living here, we could save a lot of money yet free ourselves up for the things we want to do. some options? escrima training ala "fight quest" style all over the PI, go on trips to thailand or japan which are just a stone's throw away, raise and fight chickens, and hang out with all the lovely damsels PI has to offer. the real question is, how would this be a bad idea?

that aside, i'm a few months away from raising another large sum of money to help pay off the balance of my residence in good old CO. what does that mean for me? i will soon have a large stake in an investment that could eventually lead to some passive income or just a sweet ass vacation house later on. also, it will be proof that i could in fact handle my current savings strategy and will therefore be putting it into further action upon completion of my project. wonderful.

i've been watching a lot of fist of the north star recently. not the old ass show or the movie. i have been watching the newly animated ova's - raoh gaiden, kenshiro densetsu, toki densetsu, yuria densetsu, and raoh gaiden ten no haoh. the ova's pretty much do a retelling of the story with better animation from different points of view from different characters. well done, i think. also, ten no haoh is done in a different animation style than the other hokuto no ken series' - it's hard to describe...think kino's journey, with more shadows and violence.

"I have come back to save this wretched land..." - Raoh

currently: unbelievably tired