i spent my evening at the driving range, by myself. i'm actually able to hit my drivers to over 200 yards at a greater frequency than i used to. it's not completely consistent yet, but it's a start. figuring out a golf swing is a life goal. in the time that i've stopped working for my old company, and halted escrima classes, golf has become the one activity that i'm serious about. it's a great hobby, albeit rather expensive. but the joy that comes with blasting a little plastic ball over 150 yards is a victory all on its own.
there are about 9 or 10 weeks left before i leave for the philippines to embark on my medical journey. as i mentioned to puraw wave, i've developed a sort of "messiah complex" over the past few months. it seems that my motivation to attend med school goes beyond my desire to reach a higher quality of life. i realized that as this world is getting more chaotic and more desperate, the more people are going to need healers. part of me wants to be the one to save them. maybe i should front a rock band and get some kind of rail transit system named after me...
"There is a man wandering this chaotic world. The people are already calling him 'savior'." - Villager, Hokuto no Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh