i'd like to think that through the time that passed, i have made progress. i would like to think that i've moved forward. although i have moved up in some aspects, in others i have made an obvious downgrade. i want to revert physically to the me of before - fast, light on my feet, strong, and fairly shock-absorbant (we used to do parkour for god's sake). intellectually, i am in the thick of things - my brain is on overdrive 24/7 here. financially, i'm not where i'd like to be yet, but my assets are still right where i left them and they are growing, albeit at a slow pace. i want to get together again with my brain trust (puraw wave and boto maki) and relive a time when we were kings. kings not in the sense that we were at our best, but in the sense that our worlds were much simpler and we felt more in control.
although actually, that may not be the best way to put it. i don't want to go back as much as i want to go forward and usher in a new reign. i want us to actually be the 3 kings in terms of finance, relationships, living arrangements, careers, everything. i want to look my compatriots in the eye and say "well done, my friends. we made it". it's a far cry from that time yet, but i know that we'll get there with a lot of effort and a little luck. believe in me, guys, and i will believe in you.