
biondetta parry

my trusty chariot has finally arrived on the shores of oahu. we shall be reunited on friday. at last, the most fuel-efficient of all my family's vehicles will come and take up even more space on our already crowded residential street. we have four cars to worry about - my father's suv, my mother's suv, our company truck, and now my car. there is a good chance that when my other accoutrement arrive, it will be placed in the garage due to lack of information regarding storage spaces. therefore, only one car will be put in the garage (presumably the most expensive one), one in the driveway, one along our mailbox, and the other somewhere on the main thoroughfare (where most of my neighbors park anyway).

this has been quite the busy week. i went running two days in a row, but had to interrupt my running schedule today. having only five hours of sleep per night for the past three nights has really caught up with me. a lot of my comrades can make do with that or even less, but i honestly admit that i cannot. i can wake up and i can function, but just barely. i don't have any ability to keep any thoughts of my own - it's as if all my cerebral functions are focused mainly on the task at hand. with my mind and body on automatic function, i often easily forget certain tasks as well, requiring me to constantly write to-do lists or reminders. also, by having most of my functions relegated to robot-mode, my finances become a mess. i have no time to focus on asset allocation, book-keeping, and other necessary chores. so, because my weekends are reserved not for rest and relaxation but for fun things that i like to do (soul calibur at a friend's house, spending money on new clothes, watching countless videos) i have to sleep in place of a run.

awanen. nag surat ak ken na, ngem awan lata. no hana kayat, hana kayat lata. i bati mo latan.

fencing class would be nice. so would escrima. also, learning violin would be the shyte. however, i don't have the time nor the money for all of this. maybe in a few years. in fact, that's probably what my weekends will look like in about 5 or 6 years. or not.

"It's called 'discipline'. Just f*cking do it..." - me, to me

currently: contemplating going to zippy's for a late dinner


クリッシェン said...

Same here, i can't function well without enough sleep.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take Fencing class. I'll just tell them I use Raphael and I could go to a more advanced class.

Puraw Wave said...

Good quote there at the end.

I thought about fencing one time, but then that weird Christine/Gwendolyn girl started talking to me all about it. And because she was annoying, fencing unfortunately inherited her traits.

Successfully_UnSuccessful said...

at last, savior arrives. i'm sure that makes travel a lot less irratating. did you have to get that rust-proofing stuff done~?