
country roads

with all the financial and economic "crises" going on in our country right now, personal finance blogs, cnbc, fool.com, mad money, and all the financial porn media are rife with tips, strategies on how to "stay positive", and which investments are "safe" or are good buys for the eventual upturn. news reports and word on the streets are that this isn't a recession, it's a depression. some say that this could last at least another year and we won't be really out of the shit until after 2009. the candidates are trying to use this as fodder to attack the current government and each other. speaking with comrades, we've figured that all of this and a few other factors will lead to the eventual ruin and destruction of this country and the world at large. our solution? move out of the country and live somewhere else for a while.

maybe not immediately, but eventually. suggestions? somewhere in asia. japan's always a pretty choice option, along with hong kong, south korea, singapore, and even philippines. what's the rationale behind possibly leaving america for a disaster zone like the philippines? well, if you've never been, many areas including manila already look like armageddon. if the world were to really end in 2012 (according to the all-knowing mayans), i'm thinking manila won't really look any different. also, if we made enough money in the u.s., we could move to somewhere in southeast asia and live like gods. i'd have a huge castle with maids and servants and bodyguards. the whole 9 yards.

until then, i have to stick with my plan. results? not too bad. projected goal completion? going according to plan if not slightly ahead of schedule. network? still ok. got back in touch with one financial comrade from the mile high and still keeping in contact with another. i think we'll all be ok. and if not, there's always the philippines.

"The one path that you've chosen yourself, is the only truth in your universe..." - Kamina

currently: listening to vanilla mood


Puraw Wave said...

No doubt there are a lot of doomsayers out there. And my investments are looking very pretty lately, but I'm hanging on still. Worse comes to worst, I'll be hightailing it to another continent as well.

Anonymous said...

A god among the poor is still a god.