my trip to denver was a huge success in terms of productivity. the safety classes went well, and i obtained a lot of information that was useful both in and outside of the construction industry. did you know that the diagonally striped white and orange barricades that usually accompany "road closed" signs actually point in the direction that you're supposed to turn? as it turns out, the diagonal stripes, lovingly referred to as "chevrons" (half-chevrons anyway), work like arrows and point the driver in the direction he/she must take when a barricade blocks a straight path. what's funny is i learned that in a construction industry safety compliance class, and that info such as this cannot even be found in the driver's manual that is used to take learner's permit exams.
the weather was lovely in denver. on monday, i woke up to a delightful 9 degrees below 0. amusing, because according to people here, some were suffering when hawaii had 51 degrees. cold is relative i guess. which brings me to my next point - cold weather makes you a better person. according to some recent studies, crime rates rise in direct proportion to heat/higher temperatures. also, your body burns more calories in order to produce heat to keep your core warm in colder weather. finally, since cold weather limits activities for a portion of the year, people in cold climates relish the periods of nice weather and thus are heavily active during those bouts. people living in consistently warm climates take the weather for granted and thus spend little to no time being active. conclusion, warm weather makes you belligerent, open to the idea of criminal activity, and fat. cold weather in turn makes you calm and calculating (how do i get to work/school on time while facing the dangers of icy roads), helpful (to those that get trapped in snow banks or in parking lots due to excessive snowfall), and metabolically powerful (burn those calories).
arnis training in denver went well. in two months, i should be back in denver, so i hope to bring more lessons and techniques upon my arrival.
i need a stricter diet and training regimen to keep me in shape here in hawaii. due to the options i have (rock band with the boys, ala moana on weekends, filipino eateries), i cannot effectively shut myself away to focus on training, keeping in shape, and keeping up with my reading. i think an apartment of my own would be nice. arguably, paying for it and the utilities would be a major liability in addition to my other bills. but a place of solitude would work wonders for me, physically and mentally.
"I believe there is no such thing as pleasure in life, only a relief from pain. You have to suffer to be on top..." - Georges "Rush" St. Pierre
currently: contemplating what to eat for dinner
Hot weather makes people to scrappy and violent.The funny thing is a lot of the times they can't back it up.
Case in point, GSP murdered BJ.
You're right about the weather. Get a nice day in Colorado, and everyone is outside. I'm guilty of it, too.
Was also nice watching BJ get whomped.
By the way, my sticks came this weekend.
Today's my day off and I'm finally getting to enjoy the sun a bit. At work, I get to see a beautiful day flash before my eyes~
I saw the highlights of GSP and BJ. Fuck BJ. Serves him right. Still, I need to watch the Pacquiao/De La Hoya Fight~
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