the little things are falling into place. i will be heading up to manila in march to square away some paperwork regarding my citizenship, check up on the new living quarters, and possibly enroll for the first year of med school. the formalities are just that - formalities. soon, the path will open up and the speculation of times past will become a reality. am i ready for it? i feel like i'm not quite there yet. however, when the time comes, i will be more than ready.
lately, i have been plagued with disturbing dreams. a lot of them happening just before i wake up in the morning. i don't know if they are a consequence of the things weighing on my mind from the past few weeks. i don't know if they really mean anything. it's just kind of annoying to have a vivid dream that doesn't involve anything sexy or badass.
i learned how to tie a bowtie. it's not as hard as it seems, and now i want to own one. i might have to buy one when i get to colorado in a week or so. the only store that i know that sells them here doesn't have any for less than $70. that is much too steep for something i would really only wear an average of five times a year. but when i do get one, believe you me, i will be rocking the shit out of them.
boto maki and puraw wave, look forward to some videos and real talk when i get up there. let's have us some delicious blue moon as well. see you in a few.
I haven't worn a bowtie in ages. But I certainly don't know how to tie one. If you get on here, I'd like to learn as well.
i was always under the impression that a bow tie could be done w/ a regular tie. but indeed, i'd like to learn as well~
I whole-heartedly welcome a rooftop rendezvous as it has become a tradition between our trifecta of awesomeness~
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