

work today and more work for the rest of the week as well. getting up early has somehow become easier. i attribute that mostly to the destruction of my internal clock when i was forced to wake up at 6am in vegas (technically 3am in hawaii) and go to sleep at 10pm (7pm) to be able to attend the training classes. i have also been going to bed here in hawaii a little earlier, possibly because my body is just that much more exhausted. i haven't been able to stay out as late as i did about a month ago but maybe that's not such a bad thing.

what do i have to look forward to this weekend? payday on friday, which translates to paying myself a nice chunk on monday. a coworker's fiancee is arriving on saturday and thus requires a large celebration of sorts involving food and camaraderie. the downside? it's in kalihi. also, there's construction to be done and the first steps must be taken soon.

pepper keibu by morning musume is pretty good. i have no problem with it, despite the fact that it sounds pretty much exactly the same as the original version. it worked for berryz and dschingis, so why not?

i have been scheming and racking all the neurons i can muster to rack in order to find some way to increase my output. there are so many different windows, yet they're all somewhat far away or a little too small to get through. i'm still looking. i've been looking since winter 07. circumstances have changed a little, but the drive and the priorities are still intact. i know i can grab on to something, i just don't want to wait for next summer to get it again.

you know someone has gotten really bad at fighting games when your own piss-poor performance is adequate to defeat them. i really only had a few moves going for me in vf5, yet somehow i didn't lose to either sousuke or michiru. i feel i could have done a better job, but i'm more completely disappointed in their performance than my own. tsk, tsk.

"Good things happen to good people, and I am a good person..." - Chris Jericho

currently: awaiting work to finish so i may nap



as usual, my week started off on a low note then sprang back up to a beautiful crescendo intertwined with absolute exhaustion. like always, confusion and reluctance plagued my thoughts with the first few days after the weekend. somehow, on hump day, i regained a positive outlook and some composure yet am beginning to feel the negative effects of lack of rest especially on this day. the rest of the week looks like - appointment tomorrow for another permanent mark on the position contralateral to my former mark, packing for my safety conference in las vegas next week, and most likely wearing the morning musume alo-hello shirt i purchased.

started watching one piece. pretty likable so far. jim once said that he couldn't get into it because of the style of animation. i find that it works for this particular series. most of the time, the animation does indeed match the tone and story of its accompanying series. take for example gurren lagann (although i haven't really "watched" it yet). being produced by gainax it shares the same animation style and feel as flcl (just watch the battles and you'll agree), just with an actual plot line.

tenkaippin's kotteri ramen is like sex in your mouth. note to brad and jonathan, oshima's has nothing on tenkaippin. the broth of their kotteri ramen is so thick, full of so many ingredients (about 13 different ones according to the numerous signs in the store), and tastes so heavenly you want to punch somebody. probably the best bowl of ramen i've ever had in my life. for its size, you wouldn't think it would be so filling, but it is. you won't regret ever tasting it. god bless you, scott suzui...

"Not the bees! AAAAGGHHH!!!!!" - Nic Cage, Wicker Man

currently: contemplating how i will accomplish the beer run that the construction workers want me to go on today to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of the founding of our company



the past few days have been nothing but legal red tape and troubles regarding the "savior". a month ago, it was whether or not it would make it here safely. a few days after that it was no registration until safety check, which was followed by no safety check until the insurance kicks in. the insurance kicked in yesterday. so, onward to safety check and registration right? wrong. safety check almost passed until - tint too dark. can't do shit until tint is fixed. so, a few hours at pearlridge and some funds forsaken later, tint is fixed. upon returning to safety check station today, good to go - get registration done then come back. got registration done - oops, too many customers, wait or come back tomorrow. waited, and finally the savior is island ready. ridiculous.

it's all a waiting game. work has been slow. with no current jobs and therefore jobsites to visit, the days have been slow and full of nothingness. i finish most of my office work by lunch. after lunch, that's a whole 3 hours of nothing (mostly waiting for the mail to come, possibly bringing in some invoices to input into the computer). when the day is over, it's either rest or go out. most of the time, it's go out. return by midnight, close my eyes for 5 hours and return again to the land of the living (alive, but not really).

the search has been absolutely fruitless, much as i expected it to be. the chances of actually seeing them are slim to none, but it's worth trying anyway. if we could at least find the store and purchase some holy relics, it would be totally worth it. if all else fails, there's still the trip to their home country sometime next year. however, i feel an impending sense of crisis. i feel like if we don't see them soon, they'll be gone forever. that feels likely, considering their show was cancelled and the likelihood of graduation of certain key members is very high.

"Tell me what you KNOW!!!" - phrase of the week

currently: missing the ice cream girl